Inside Dog and Scone - Newcastle’s First Dog Café

A small pug with a wrinkled face eagerly bites into a white cupcake held by a person with red-painted nails. The dog's eyes are wide open, focusing on the cupcake, while the person gently supports it. The background is dimly lit.

You know how it is as a student - you leave home and all your pets behind with it. What are you supposed to do without your furry friend to cuddle when deadlines are looming? Fortunately for students and non-students alike, Dog and Scone has opened in Newcastle Upon Tyne – the city’s first dog café! Whilst Newcastle has had two cat cafés for a while, there’s nothing quite like playtime with 6 adorable pups whilst you enjoy a cuppa.

A cafe where four-legged friends are very welcome

The café is in such high demand that it is worth trying to book a couple of days in advance. It costs £5 per head to book an hour slot, but this includes your first drink in the price. The rest of this goes towards the dog’s healthcare and grooming needs - so you know they’re well looked after. The café also offers a full lunch menu, a huge range of hot and cold drinks, and amazing cakes. The only issue is trying to not let the dogs eat any of it as they’re on a strict diet!

Dog and Scone boasts 6 gorgeous pups, each with different lovable personalities and reasons to adore them, so in no particular order, here they are.


Lucky is the café’s Bichon Frise and one of the most laid-back dogs we think we've ever met. He struts around the café as if he owns the place, demanding belly rubs from the swooning customers. Even those who aren’t comfortable around dogs will find it hard not to be won over by his infectious charm and love for a good rub and a cuddle.

Image Credit: Becca Twist


Sugar is the newest and youngest member of the café and is a ball of fluff! The tiny Pomeranian joined the café towards the end of 2017 and narrowly misses out on the smallest pup of the café award. Usually snuggled up in a blanket, it’s easy to forget that she is on your lap as she easily fits into your hands and barely weighs a thing. She is ideal for snuggles whilst you play with her incredibly soft fur!


Laughing is the café’s adorable little pug. Having recently celebrated her her 1st birthday in style, Laughing first won the hearts of the café when she was introduced as a four month old bundle of joy in June 2017. Back then, Laughing was not up for anywhere near as much playtime as the other dogs due to being so young, but made the perfect hot water bottle while you sipped away at your coffee. Now she is older, she loves a good run around the café with the other dogs, leaving the hot water bottle job to the smaller pups. Another reason to keep going back; it’s a pleasure to witness them grow up!

Image Credit: Dog and Scone via Facebook


One of the Queen’s favourite breeds, Coffee is Dog and Scone’s adorable Corgi. Unfortunately for those who love a good puppy cuddle, Coffee is rarely up for chilling on any customer’s laps. Instead, he provides the café with the entertainment of his never-ending energy, as he happily charges up and down the café, fetching whichever toy takes his fancy that day. Occasionally, he provides the customers with real highlights, by diving straight into the ball pool, looking completely content with life. Whilst you can’t expect too many cuddles from him, when Coffee is finally pooped at the end of a long day you can always expect a good foot warmer!


Momo is the oldie of the café - a gorgeous 3-year-old Toy Poodle. With eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts, there’s nothing that Momo seems to love more than being snuggled up with a customer and having a little snooze while the younger dogs play! If a lap isn’t quite available, her alternative is snuggling up in the giant bean bags at the end of a table like she’s a café guest, which is equally adorable.

Image Credit: Becca Twist


Last but certainly not least, Yuki is the café’s Toy Yorkshire Terrier. She is even smaller than Sugar, winning the award of smallest pup in the café, but makes up for her size through love for blankets and cuddles. With Yuki and Sugar both fitting snugly into your hands, you don’t have to worry too much about them attempting to steal your food!

Now that you’ve met all the pups online, it is definitely time to book yourself in for an hour at Dog and Scone, and meet each of their lovable little faces in person!

Dog and Scone Café is located at 22 Pudding Chare, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NEW1 1UE.