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10 February 2024 to 24 March 2024 Polka Theatre

A playful illustration depicts a badger placing an orange leaf into a garbage bin under a tree. The text reads, Tidy, Emily Gravett, A gentle tale about the value of the world around us. The scene is lively with autumn leaves and forest elements.
TIDY © Emily Gravett 2016 - Two Hoots, Macmillan Children's Books

Pete the badger likes everything to be neat and tidy: the flowers, the leaves, even the other animals. But, when autumn comes, he gets a little bit carried away with cleaning up the forest and accidently destroys his own home!

Based on the much-loved children’s book by author and illustrator, Emily Gravett, Tidy is a gentle but cautionary tale about the value of the world around us and what happens if we don’t look after it.

With beautiful puppets, original music and a touch of silliness, this playful story will delight young audiences, as it explores how everyone needs a little bit of wild chaos in their lives.

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