Top 5 Running Routes in London

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Two people standing with bicycles overlook a city skyline from a grassy hill. In the background, three people sit on a bench while another person stands nearby. The cityscape includes tall buildings and a sports field in the distance.

Summers here, and there's no better way to enjoy the weather than with a brisk run through London... here are our top 5 running routes- times to get your jog on!

Post pandemic we're probably alot more familiar with London's many running routes, but with the risk of constantly having to check your map for directions or missing out on scenic views it can be hard to decide where to jog to. So we've done the hard work for you and compiled a list of London's top 5 running routes suitable for all levels. Happy jogging! 

St. James' Park to Hyde Park

A serene scene of a stone bridge spanning over a calm river, bordered by tall trees and lush greenery. The sky is lightly clouded, and the autumn foliage displays warm hues of orange, yellow, and green. The reflection of the bridge and trees is visible in the water.
Hyde Park via Facebook

Running through the concrete jungle of London is not always so alluring, or motivating, so we've started with the greener option on our list with the St. James' Park to Hyde Park route. 

The start point is St. James' Park- a beautiful landscape dating back centuries and is right by Buckingham Palace, which you'll be able to catch a strong glimspe of whilst heading up The Mall which is your first stretch of road. Once you've taken it all in, run into Green Park- which is covered in flora through spring and summer and alot better to breath in as opposed to the more polluted streets of the city. Once you've reach the northwest corner, make your way through Wellington Arch (names after the British Duke) and through to Hyde Park where there's an abundance of routes should you want to prolong your run and stunning views. Make your way to the serpentine lake, all the way past the swans and swimmers and you'll gradually end up by Kensington Palace where you'll have covered a brisk 6km. 

Up Hill To Hampstead Heath

A scenic landscape shows a golden field under a clear sky, with rolling hills in the background. Trees dot the field and hills, and a distant church steeple rises above the treeline, along with a red and white radio tower. The scene is bathed in soft sunlight.
Hampstead Heath via Facebook

There's a variety of terrain in Hampstead Heath, meaning its a good spot for all levels of runners plus, because it's a park, the probability of getting lost or misdirected is minima. For those that are looking for a little bit of a challenge, head up Parliament Hill, with the reward of a stunning panorama across London. Once you've caught your breath you can trail through the woodland to Kenwood House which is an 18th Century mansion that is freely accessible with a beautiful art collection (though we recommend finishing your run first!). You can always do a loop as well if you feel like you have more in you. Best news? In the summer months you can take a well deserved dip in the natural ponds to cool off. 

The route is roughly 8km in total, but you always have the option to do more or less depending on your ability. 

Along The Thames

A riverside walkway lined with trees and benches on a partly cloudy day. People are sitting on a bench, while others are walking. Boats are floating on the river, and the opposite bank is visible with lush green trees.

This route pertains distance with a flat terrain. Spanning up to 15km the Thames route takes huge twists and turns. There's many a path you can take (there's over 20 trails available which you can explore here), but our favourite is following rural paths through some of London's most picturesque neighborhoods. 

Cross the river at Putney Bridge station and head west along the edge of the water where you'll have spectacular views of the old Harrods Furntiture Depository, Hammersmith Bridge, Kew Gardens and Richmond Green. If the weather's nice you can chill in the park for a short while. The only time we'd advise not to run this route is during or after heavy rain when it can get quite muddy.

Regents Park and Primrose Hill

Wide view of a city skyline featuring a prominent tall building in the center, as seen from a grassy hill in a park. The sky is partly cloudy with patches of blue, while patches of sunlight and shadows fall across the greenery and scattered trees in the park.

Another runners oasis from the madness of the city is the Regent's Park- Primrose Hill Route. With flower filled gardens (including Queen Mary's Rose Garden) and London Zoo. There's also large athletic fields and beautiful views. The park itself sits at 395 acres 100 of which are sports facilities. On top of this, theres a 1km inner running track, perfect for practicing your sprints. Whilst the outer circle provides you with the most distance, the inner circle is certainly more preferable when it comes to the views. Theres a boating lake, boardwalk trail and giant fields. Just remember to be cautious when crossing the  Marylebone Road if you're coming from Regent's Park tube station. 

Along Regent's Canal

A canal lock in an urban area, surrounded by stone buildings with arched windows. The left side features a tree with green foliage, while the right side has a building with vines hanging down. People are walking along the pathways on either side of the canal.

Following on from the previous conteder, the Regent's Canal run can be combined with Regent's Park, if you have the stamina of course. It's a 200-year-old walkway that links the Paddington Basin and Limehouse Basin taking a winding path through several neighborhoods and connecting many a green space (so if it's too busy you can always take a park detour). 

There's alot of shade on this route (perfect for summer) and not that many industrial routes. In total, the main run is about 7km, but if you're up for the challenge you can head all the way from Camden Lock to Docklands which is about 13km in total. Early birds will fair best here as the route isn't lit at night.