Dream - Bridge - Omniglyph,

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1 February 2024 to 29 June 2024 London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE

A whimsical illustration with abstract purple, red, and white swirling shapes at the center. Surrounding it are various star shapes, detailed drawings of hands, sea creatures, and small celestial-themed images set against a dark, cosmic background.
Leo Robinson – Tapestry element from DREAM-BRIDGE-OMNIGLYPH, 2023

Leo Robinson’s solo exhibition at London Mithraeum's Bloomberg SPACE

Tiwani Contemporary is pleased to announce Leo Robinson's exhibition at London Mithraeum's Bloomberg SPACE. The exhibition, titled Dream - Bridge - Omniglyph, marks the artist's second institutional solo show in the UK. The solo exhibition coincides with his participation in The Trembling Museum, an exhibition at The Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow, UK, and Polymythologies at Tiwani Contemporary, London, UK. We are pleased to share the news that the Hunterian Museum has made an acquisition of Robinson's work, which will be available to view on public display.

Inspired by the Roman Temple of Mithras discovered on the Bloomberg site, Robinson explores the ancient myth of Mithras through an immersive space, evocative of the initiation ceremonies thought to have been held in the Temple. Responding to the journey of finding personal identity within a complex cultural heritage, Robinson has converted the space into a contemporary ritual ground through imagined cultural images and sacred objects.

The exhibition comprises an archway emanating transitory sounds; a large tapestry, serving as a psychological mind map of symbols, images and pathways; and a series of fantastical instruments cast in bronze, influenced by historical harps and string instruments from West Africa and Ethiopia. The inclusion of reimagined, pre-colonial West Indian rock carvings (petroglyphs) and new relics throughout the space contributes to Robinson’s practice of evolving new rituals and traditions to fill the gap left by colonial displacement.

Robinson graduated from the Manchester School of Art in 2016. In his work, he constructs speculative systems of knowledge and ritual through the lenses of religion, psychoanalysis, and diasporic experience. With the creation of maps, diagrams, games, ritual objects and music, Robinson introduces new networks of symbols as means to understand our connections to both inner and outer worlds. The work often suggests a future or parallel civilization in which these belief systems have been reconstructed from fragments, through acts of hybridity and reappropriation, as a form of healing from the legacies of colonial displacement and erasure.

The show is open now and runs through to 29 June, 2024.

Further Information: London Mithraeum, Bloomberg SPACE