Don’t F**k with Disco - Manchester Halloween Party

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26 October 2024 Un:Titled Studio

The unconventional, forward-thinking takes on the new Halloween season with the same old rules: 21+ (no exceptions), no phones, no filming, and be open-minded. Just like the old days.

The Don't F*** With Disco series has become known - in London, now Manchester - for trying to restore the vibe and feel of clubs of old. Where people put effort into their outfits, where we didn't have to worry about getting filmed, or have a sea of phone screens filming the DJ, or where we didn't have to worry about fresh 18s running around and ruining the place. Don't F*** With Disco comes with rules, but these rules sanctify the greater good. 

Rule 1: No phones. Rule 2: Over 21s only. Rule 3: Stick to the dress code: duo's, trio's, icons or face eviction. Rule 4: ZERO tolerance to racism, homophobia, sexism, violence and oppression of any form.

All of which sound pretty reasonable, and conducive to a quality club night. But furthermore, this isn't really a club night. This is a party in a studio, which is even more old-school. The perception of exclusivity, combined with the strict rules surrounding costumes and phone use, render Don't F*** With Disco one of the most exciting and unusual events in Manchester.