BBC Proms: Nick Drake - An Orchestral Celebration - at Royal Albert Hall

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24 July 2024 Royal Albert Hall

Black and white photo of a person wrapped in a striped blanket, set against a backdrop of trees. Vibrant, neon-colored abstract shapes and white swirl lines overlay the image, adding a modern, artistic touch. The person's expression appears thoughtful.

A beloved and tragic figure in British musical history sees a tribute in his name - symphonic renditions of his work, performed at the Royal Albert Hall.

In perhaps the most ideal tribute to the late, great underground folk legend Nick Drake, the Royal Albert Hall is hosting orhcestral renditions of his work as part of the BBC Proms series. Nick Drake's compositions, especially on his iconic Bryter Layter, would translate effortlessly into classical orchestration. The builds and swells on the opening alone would be reason enough to purchase a ticket.

What will be interesting is seeing how well his more sparse arrangements, like on Pink Moon, translate to orchestration. Well, Jules Buckley is bringing with them a selection of artists to join the BBC Symphony Orchestra, so fate is in their trustworthy hands. It will require a lot of imagination and creativity on their part to take a song like 'Place to Be', consisting of just vocals and guitar, into a maximalist, symphonic form. We can't wait to see it.