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Nadiya and Kai - Behind the Magic

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23 June 2024 Peacock Theatre

A couple, dressed formally, stand closely together against a vibrant cityscape backdrop at sunset. The man wears a dark suit and smiles warmly, while the woman, in a red dress, rests her hand on his shoulder and smiles. Studio lights and skyscrapers are visible in the background.

Don't miss Strictly Come Dancing stars Nadiya and Kai in a brand-new show! From TV shows and photoshoots to live tours, get an insider's glimpse at how the 'dance magic' comes together.

Get 2-4-1 tickets with this exclusive 50% off deal!* Use the promo code LC241 or use the button below to book your tickets.  

*Terms and conditions apply. Subject to availability. Select price bands only. Offer valid until 20 June. Not available in retrospect or conjunction with any other offer or discount. £3.50 transaction fee applies to all telephone and online bookings. 50p per ticket levy applies.