Top 5 Bristol Podcasts to Listen to Right Now

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  4. Top 5 Bristol Podcasts to Listen to Right Now
A close-up of a person's hands typing on a keyboard with a microphone setup in front. The setup includes a pop filter and a pair of headphones resting on the table. The person has a tattoo on their arm and is wearing a wristband. The background is out of focus.

One of the best ways to get to know a city is by hearing its stories. In the past, this may have been the job of a bard travelling from town to town with the latest news. In modern times, it's the humble podcast that we turn to - so let's listen to the local people that make Bristol a special place to be.

Your Bristol Life

Illustrated image of several abstract, line-drawn characters in warm yellow tones, speaking and gesturing around a central white microphone. The background is dark blue with swirling accents in various shades of blue, creating a dynamic and energetic atmosphere.
Bristol Cable.

First up and brought to us by local news provider The Bristol Cable, Your Bristol Life uncovers aspects of Bristol’s past and present that are often underrepresented. For new listeners, give the episode Bristol Food Famiglia by Steven Mitchell which takes a deep dive into The Bianchi’s Group which operated many of our most loved restaurants including Montpellier's Italian restaurant Bianchi.

Bristol Unpacked with Neil Maggs

Black and white sketch of a man with a beard and glasses. He is wearing a hoodie and looking slightly to the side. The background is blank, emphasizing the detailed lines and shading of the portrait.
Bristol Unpacked with Neil Maggs

Presented by journalist Neil Maggs, Bristol Unpacked features a varying roster of sometimes difficult, sometimes enlightening conversations with all kinds of Bristolians. Check out Magg's first episode with Tom Morris, the artistic director of The Old Vic in which they discuss the role of the arts in modern life.

12 Communities 1 Bristol

Illustration of a diverse group of people, including men, women, children, and a person in a wheelchair, waving and smiling. Text reads 12 Communities, One Bristol. Logos for Heritage Fund, BCFM 93.2, and B24/7 are displayed at the top.
12 Communities 1 Bristol

Described as a 'local oral history podcast', in the 12 Communities 1 Bristol podcast host Marcus Smith tells the news stories of the city, focusing on specific neighbourhoods, from Avonmouth to Stockwood. Produced by Bristol24/7’s community reporters scheme, the episodes take the form of 12 discussions that share 'the human stories that are so often overlooked.' Well worth your time!

Watershed Cinema Podcast

Split-screen image of two smiling individuals during a video call. The person on the left is in a room with artwork on the wall and shelves, while the person on the right, wearing glasses and a checkered shirt, is in a different room. The bottom text reads WATERSHED.
Watershed Podcast

Operated by staff and guests of Bristol's creative powerhouse, the Watershed podcast is a great place to learn about new films & cinema, alongside wider cultural projects. With short monthly episodes that are led by the in-house Cinema Curator Mark Cosgrove (who has been with Watershed since 1994), check out the recent August episode which covers the films of Kinuyo Tanaka.

Transforming Society Podcast

A city street at twilight with an overcast sky. The street is lined with parked cars on both sides and flanked by ornate white buildings. A modern high-rise building stands in the background. Few people are walking along the sidewalks. The street is empty.
Transforming Society podcast

Produced by Bristol University Press and taking on big topics through the eyes of authors that have written on specialist topics, the Transforming Society podcast is a top-notch listen. Explored via host Jess Mile, some great episodes are 'China's rise and the liberal demise' with Chris Ogden and 'Six new rules of democracy for a fairer world' with author Marcial Bragadini Boo. With built-in content variety, this podcast will help keep you informed on the biggest social discussions of our times!