Burgh House - Two Major Exhibitions

7 March 2024 to 15 December 2024 Burgh House

Black-and-white photo of two people at a market stall. One person is knitting and smiling, wearing glasses and a cap. The other is looking down at a notebook. Various fabrics, garments, and a doll are displayed around them. The ambiance is cheerful and busy.
Dorothy Bohm ©Estate of Dorothy Bohm

Marie-Louise von Motesiczky: (in)Visible Women and About Women: Photographs by Dorothy Bohm

Burgh House in Hampstead is thrilled to announce the opening of two poignant exhibitions that spotlight the extraordinary artistic legacies of women émigrés who sought refuge in Hampstead during the tumultuous years of the 1930s. Marie-Louise von Motesiczky: (in)Visible Women and About Women: photographs by Dorothy Bohm are not only artistic reflections of their personal journeys but profound insights into the experiences of women in the 20th century.

With themes of resilience, identity, and the power of creativity, the works of Motesiczky and Bohm allow visitors to Burgh House to become immersed in the stories of these remarkable women. Motesiczky's exploration of the personal, public, and inner lives of women in the 20th century provide a fascinating comparison to Bohm's photographs which show a unique visual narrative of women's evolution from the social upheavals of the interwar period to the transformative changes of the post-war era. 

In (in)Visible Women, Marie-Louise von Motesiczky's vibrant expressionist paintings take center stage, offering a poignant exploration of the rich everyday lives of women. The women in Motesiczky's works depict women engaged in a variety of cosmopolitan activities, and in doing so reveal the essence of their lives in a rapidly changing world.  Through Motesiczky’s energetic brushstrokes, her works made significant contributions to the visibility of women’s lives in ways that are rare within the art historical record and public consciousness.

About Women: Photographs by Dorothy Bohm showcases the remarkable photographic journey of Dorothy Bohm, spanning over seven decades and capturing the evolving lives of women around the world. Through her lens, Bohm offers intimate, candid glimpses into the multifaceted experiences of womanhood. Bohm’s career spanned a period that saw unprecedented shifts in the lives of women. This centenary exhibition presented in collaboration with Bohm's daughter, art historian Monica Bohm-Duchen, is the first to focus exclusively on Bohm's profound contributions to photography and is the first exhibition to focus on her photographs of women and builds on the book ‘About Women’ (published c.2015).

In addition to these two extraordinary exhibitions, Burgh House will also unveil a rehang that focuses on émigré stories within its collection, further enriching the narrative of Hampstead's diverse cultural heritage. 

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